software applications
at your service

Fill your technological gaps with our existing solutions to reach your objectives in a faster way

designed to be integrated in
existing and new workflows

From motion capture data to outcomes of interest, our applications can be embedded into your workflow and accelerate it.

across any domains where
human body behaviours
are central pieces

for users all around the world
who trust us

the origins of moveck

“Elevate human performance with technology”

“Unlocking the full potential of healthcare stakeholders for the benefit of today’s and tomorrow’s populations.”

Initially, Moveck’s goal was to empower the field by developing open-source software tools such as the Biomechanical ToolKit (BTK), Opensource Movement Analysis library (OpenMA), and Mokka—a motion kinetic and kinematic analyzer. Today, our company has evolved to create modular platforms that streamline pipeline development and data visualization, ensuring the utilization of all available data for the benefit of patients and the well-being of the population, without hardware constraints.”

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